
Destiny 2 patch fixes Xur's broken armor set

Destiny 2 patch fixes Xur’s broken armor set

Bungie has released a new patch for Destiny 2 that prioritizes fixing the Exotic arms dealer Xur’s inventory. The Agent of the Nine’s weekly arsenal has been bugged for some time now, as Xur’s armor products have very low total stats, making them not worth spending on Legendary Shards unless you want to complete your collection.

The new patch fixes this problem, but also introduces a new bug for Xur. That’s secondary, though, as Bungie is investigating an issue where the ad stats on the Xur Inventory screen differ slightly from the items you’ll receive.

If you’ve been frustrated with not paying extra rewards from the Flawless pool recently in Trials of Osiris, this has also been corrected. On PCs, some users may experience a black screen on Windows 7 and 8.1. The OS is basically fixed, but depending on your personal specs, the issue may reappear.

The full list of patch notes for Destiny 2’s latest patches can be found below. For more Destiny 2 news, you can catch up on this week’s seasonal challenges, ponder the future of Double Trouble in the Iron Banter feature, and get ready for Grandmaster Nightfall’s return.

Gameplay and Investment


  • Fixed an issue that caused Xur to offer exotic armor with low stat rolls and the same stat assignment.
  • This fix is ​​causing us to be investigating an issue where ad stats on the Xur Inventory screen may differ slightly from the item you received.
  • It’s been a very eventful time for Xur, but he’s ready to get back to work. He appreciates your patience.

Trials of Osiris

  • Fixed an issue where players were not receiving the expected bonus rewards while in the Flawless Pool.

Platforms and Systems

personal computer

  • Fixed an issue where some users might experience a black screen on Windows 7 and 8.1.
  • NOTE: Some players may continue to experience this issue, depending on PC specs. If you encounter this issue, please report any findings to our Bungie Help Forum here. receive a commission from retail offers.

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Wilbert Wood
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