
The Last Bastion: Underground is a Life Simulator Home Management Simulation Set in a Zombie Apocalypse

The Last Bastion: Underground is a Life Simulator Home Management Simulation Set in a Zombie Apocalypse

The Last Bastion: Underground is a Life Simulator Home Management Simulation Set in a Zombie Apocalypse


IM30, Life Is A Game Limited and Bitmen Studios have teamed up to release a new strategy mobile game The Last Fortress: Underground. In The Last Bastion: Underground, players will control a group of survivors in an underground base while trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.

Similar to Fallout Shelter, players must build a fort underground while maintaining the health of the community. As players expand their base, other survivors will be drawn. You will be able to decide if you want to admit them and what missions they are best suited for at your base.

The Last Fortress: Underground will provide cross-sectional views to make it easier for players to navigate as the base grows. It will also have a simple layout that will allow you to see what’s going on in various parts of the fort at any time.

The Last Bastion: Underground is a free mobile game.

There will also be an online feature in the game that will allow players to team up with others and form alliances “to fight back against the darkness.” The goal is to reclaim the surface one day.

Listed below are some of the features that The Last Bastion: Underground will feature:

  • EXPLORE AND EXPAND – Dive into the dark and bring back the material you need to help your burgeoning community thrive
  • Immerse yourself – experience a rich narrative that unfolds as you reach key milestones in your endeavors
  • Never go it alone – team up with other online players to build and fight more efficiently.
  • Sequence and Method – Stay on top of everyone’s activities with Last Fortress’ cross-sectional view and intuitive layout.

The Last Fortress: Underground is a free mobile game. You can download it on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

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Wilbert Wood
Games, music, TV shows, movies and everything else.