
Diablo II updates class balance for the first time in 12 years

Diablo II updates class balance for the first time in 12 years


Patch 2.4, now available for Diablo II: Resurrection, includes the first balance changes Blizzard has made to an RPG game’s classes since 2010. Each class in Diablo II: Resurrection has undergone extensive tweaks, which Blizzard says should encourage more build diversity as it prepares for its first Ranked Season, which kicks off later this month.

Broadly speaking, the changes appear to be designed to make underused abilities and abilities more appealing, so most of the changes in the extensive patch notes are buffs in the form of increased damage output or reduced cooldowns. However, each class has specific tweaks with some end goals in mind – for example, the devs believe that summoner druids are limited to one type at a time, so now they can summon spirit wolves, dire wolves, and bears Simultaneously.

Some other impactful changes include moving Uber Diablo’s progress tracking to the regional database (rather than in a single server instance), and the fact that hired mercenaries always match the player’s tier (rather than within a specific range of that tier) ).

The patch also adds new rune words, a new Horadric Cube recipe, changes to setting item rewards and level areas, and various quality of life updates. There are also new options for using older graphics: “GDI” is an emulation of unfiltered software rasterization, “Glide” emulates a hardware-accelerated look with bilinear filtering applied, and “Resurrected” adds several modern artifacts to the original Glide fix rendering , Blizzard said.

The full patch notes are available on the official website, detailing every change made to Diablo II: Resurrected Classes, including some comments from the developers to explain their reasoning.

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Kirsten Bennett
Kirsten is a passionate writer who loves games, and one day he decided to combine the two. She is now professionally writing niche articles about Consoles and hardware .