
DNF Duel

DNF Duel Review


need to know

what is it? A beat ’em up, forcing style and substance to make friends.
expect to pay $50/£41
release June 28, 2022
developer Arc System Works, Eighting Co, Neople
Publisher Neopool, Nixon
audit date GeForce GTX 1650, AMD Ryzen 5 3550H, 8 GB RAM
multiplayer game? Yes
association Official website(opens in a new tab)

A shirtless, tattered man with pointy hair and a sword the size of a refrigerator freezer, and a woman pulling out a bazooka for one of the weakest attacks? Yep, it’s another anime-inspired beat them to throw on the pile. That said, you’ll want to stick with this. The flashy excesses of character design and attack animations are meant to be decorative, not distracting.

Even though it’s based on the MMO Dungeon Fighter Online, you don’t need to know anything about it (and not just because BlazBlue and Guilty Gear already have Arc System Works fans looking forward to largely incomprehensible storytelling).what are you Do What needs to be known is that DNF Duel is surprising in some very positive ways…starting with how it handles character damage.

(Image credit: NEOPLE Inc)

There are two types of damage; red damage, white damage. Red works the way you’d expect, i.e. it’s part of the health bar and immediately disappears permanently. On the other hand, white will slowly regenerate if you can. Most attacks deal a chunk of white damage and a little red damage.

Each character has special attacks that require a large, slow-recovery MP meter to activate. These MP attacks, if unblocked, will only deal red damage—and Instantly turns any white damage your opponent is carrying into red. I’ll go back to MP attacks, but it should already be clear that using weaker attacks to “store” white damage on an opponent’s health bar to eliminate later is an effective and often important strategy.

Fundamentally, it’s as complicated as the game — or rather, DNF Duel goes to great lengths to provide explanations for those who might need them. There’s a lot in the system that can and will only be fully utilized in high-level play, but it’s very welcome for newcomers to the genre. This is partly due to the tutorial mode. Not only will the command list tell you how to perform each move with short clips, it will even give you tips on how to use the move on offense or defense. For example, it will tell you if an action is good for defending against air attacks, completing a combo, or if and how it makes you vulnerable.

(Image credit: NEOPLE Inc)

Perhaps surprisingly, there is no automatic combination option. You know where if you tap a button repeatedly like an angry chimpanzee, where do you trigger a fluid series of devastating actions? Not an option here. This is not required. The controls are pretty simple; each attack is triggered by just pressing a button, or pressing a button and holding in one direction (although some have options for slightly more complex inputs if you prefer).

hit me baby

Yes, that means button attackers can carry out a full range of attacks at their dirty fingertips – including those that span most or all the length of the screen – but skill always wins. Everything except throws can be blocked. Everyone has a front dodge that can go through anything harmlessly. An ill-timed attack leaves an opponent completely vulnerable for a split second, and that’s all you need to inflict serious damage.

The controls are very simple; each attack is triggered by simply pressing a button or pressing a button and holding in one direction.

It’s essentially a four-button fighter. Two buttons for regular attacks, very weak, but the fastest in your arsenal, great for starting combos. The other is your special attack. These are more powerful and can be used without restrictions, but in no way threaten the imbalance of the game. For example, Ghostblade has a special technique where he can teleport through his opponents multiple times, slashing them with his sword each time he passes. But if the first hit is blocked, it’s easy to get penalized for his attempt.

(Image credit: NEOPLE Inc)

True MP attacks, and how they relate to the red/white damage system, will draw the line between good players and good players. great Players, and branches of slightly more complex elements of the game. You start with 100 MP and the max increases as you take more and more damage. The MP move cost means that initially, you will rarely be able to do more than one in a row before exhausting the meter. This stops people from spamming were able Perform an MP move that consumes more MP than you have left, but your meter will remain empty until the excess MP finishes regenerating in the background.

The risk and reward mechanism of DNF Duel is called conversion. With the flick of a button, you can turn any white damage you carry into red in exchange for an MP boost. The more HP you sacrifice, the more MP bonus you get. This way you can extend your combo or accidentally restore your MP meter by bringing yourself closer to death. This is a very simple but potential match-flipping mechanism.

It’s something like this that gives the game depth and tactical layers – visible to casual players as much as those making spreadsheets about hitboxes and invincibility frames. That’s not to say newbies will have a great chance against genre veterans, but if they want to take the time to learn how to take their chances, they can easily.

(Image credit: NEOPLE Inc)

The concept of characters being awakened — that is, entering an empowered state when they’re on their last health bar — is a familiar concept to anime fighting fans. Like a lot, DNF Duel handles things a little differently. Awakened states are automatically triggered when near death, and each character enjoys unique buffs. For example, Striker gets a damage boost, while Berserker heals slightly with each successful attack. It also allows access to your character’s super awakened attack. However, this move can be missed or guarded like any other move; using it will remove your buff regardless of whether the attack is successful or not.

buffer stop

DNF Duel is no more complicated or deeper than other beat games. It goes deep in a different way, which in part means it goes deep in a way that is easy to explore and understand for people of all skill levels. I’m not interested in gatekeeping, only good game design, which is all over here like blood and teeth after a particularly intense battle.

Its depths are easy to explore and understand for people of all skill levels.

There are 15 characters, plus an unlockable boss, just like the good old days. That doesn’t seem like much when normal Naruto games tend to give you enough playable characters to populate a town, but it means each fighter will look and feel unique. The simplicity of the controls means you can adapt to new characters quickly and easily, but it takes a lot of time to really learn them.

(Image credit: NEOPLE Inc)

The closest character to being overwhelmed is the Lost Warrior (boss, of course), who has three attacks that can hit from any distance, two of which are MP attacks. Everything can be blocked, one cannot hit an opponent in the air. Likewise, the Inquisitor’s giant fiery wheel of death can be very annoying to get caught – but it can be blocked or dodged. Know the abilities of each character, keep your cool and you always have a chance to stand out.

Beat ’em ups have really come alive online, and while some launch week issues have resulted in rare but annoying disconnects, the same goes for DNF Duel. Make sure you prepare during your offline time and you’ll have an incredible time.

There are three types of players. Most people are playing a game of balance, fumbling through the system to figure out how and when to best attack and defend. However, a few have discovered a character (usually Ghostblade) or combination who can and will be ruthlessly cheese. In the end, even fewer players have somehow mastered the game and will start tossing you in the air like juggling balls in seconds.

(Image credit: NEOPLE Inc)

That’s standard for pretty much any class that beats them, but the beauty of this one is that if you pay attention, you’ll (almost) always have a chance against the cheesiest, or to a lesser extent, the big Most skilled opponents. For example, sacrificing all your MP for a Guard Cancel at the start of a match is a great way to get Cheser flying before you counter; a perfect dodge can give you a chance against the most fearsome opponents.

The more time you spend learning about characters and their moves, the better online matches will be. Keeping a close eye on your opponent’s MP meter lets you know what they can and cannot do at any given moment, and knowing the range of each Awakened move can make the difference. It’s all easy and enjoyable to learn because each character is so much fun.

There’s no shortage of players, and certainly no shortage of joy when you win a close game (or, in fact, anger when you lose a destroyed game). It’s a game that feels as good as it looks, and that says a few things.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.