
A screenshot of The Falconeer.

Falconer Reviews

Falconer Reviews


need to know

What is it? A game that gives you a gun and a giant falcon (or a small one).
Expected payment: $30/£25
Developer: Thomas Sala
Publisher: cable production
Comment on: GeForce GTX 1650, AMD Ryzen 5 3550H, 8 GB RAM
multiplayer game: not any
Association: Official website

Despite all the dialogue and narration, I left the Falconers with the most important question: Are they little people, or are they big birds? I love riding on the back of a falcon as much as the next guy, but give me a sense of perspective! This question didn’t bother me as I stared at the graphics and took down enemies, but it stuck in my head throughout the adventure.

This is a question that comes to my mind because I CareThe world of the Falconers, a vast expanse of water dotted with islands controlled by warring factions, fascinated me as the story progressed. I never thought about skipping the NPC chatter before each mission.

Since this is a water world where Kevin Costner feels right at home, control of the ocean and sky is crucial, and this is where you come in. As a falconer, you’ll ride your bird to help with everything from simple deliveries to raids on heavily fortified fortresses. It’s worth noting that The Falconeer is almost entirely the work of one developer, Tomas Sala (with Benedict Nichols in charge of the audio), who lists Crimson Skies as one of the main influences. show. The controls are the perfect mix of casual bird simulation and arcade air combat.

You’ll dive to increase speed and flap in place to reduce speed, extending the falcon’s wings for a graceful turn if necessary. The accompanying screeching, flapping and screeching sounds work in tandem with brilliant animations to create a convincing feeling of controlling the birds. Or, at least, a tiny or possibly normal-sized person on top of one.

(Image credit: Wired Productions)

beak performance

The Falconeer’s shooting feels at home in a WWII fighting game — a gun, a familiar white circle trailing your target for distance when aiming — and it feels very natural here, too. No matter what activity you’re doing (the three categories are attack, defense, and delivery), the Falconeer is a joy to control, and not just because you get a rather fun barrel-rolling evasion.

There are several escort missions, and these are excellent examples of how falconers do most (but not all) things.Now, I usually hatred Escort mission. I am just an ordinary person. However, the slow and steady journey with a boat didn’t bother me in the slightest. Nothing for a while? who cares?you seen those graphics? It’s a great game, and I generally enjoy any opportunity to immerse myself in it while enjoying the simple pleasure of flying a falcon. Once the fight inevitably came, the aerial dance between me and what was usually just a few enemies was delightful before we moved on.

(Image credit: Wired Productions)

However, there are no checkpoints, which is a big problem for these missions. If I die halfway through, I need to start over. On the third attempt, I found myself spinning excitedly around the ship, impatiently waiting for a battle I knew was coming, while the ship moved happily at its now frustratingly slow pace.

Nonetheless, it’s a game that (usually) graciously immerses you in a rich atmosphere, successfully blending soothing and relaxing traversal with tense combat. I love that I can soar alone in the clouds for the first minute and then attack a giant robotic crab with a hit and run the next minute.

The main problem with Falconeer – what keeps it from being the basic adventure I occasionally catch a glimpse of – is its inconsistency. A small but notable issue is the cash earned for completing the story or side quests (required for weapon and falcon upgrades), which are often disproportionate to the effort involved. It doesn’t make sense that optional tasks that only take a few minutes can be as numerous as lengthy story tasks. While you have a clear direction for the story missions, you’re left to fend for yourself when exploring the open world outside of them, except for the location names marked on the map (you can’t place custom waypoints, by the way).

(Image credit: Wired Productions)

Wing wing, how are you?

Difficulty is everywhere throughout the story, with no smooth gradients. Significant difficulty spikes are rare, but so annoying when they occur that I ended up lowering the difficulty to a point where it’s easy to soften (but not negate) their effect. Also, having an ally in most story missions is a nice touch, they’ll always do their best, but they won’t always follow instructions (limited to “hit this target” or “keep this enemy away” I”).

Despite these criticisms—despite the lack of an auto-aim option to chase down enemies—the Falconer still, mostly, shines. It says a lot, and even though the optional quests are hollow instructions like “go here” or “kill that”, I’m still eager to dive into them for extra cash. Any excuse to go back to this funny world, I’ll take it.

There is always something to see. A whale that leaps out of the sea beneath you, briefly visible; a thunderstorm that you might fly over to recharge your lightning gun; a temple you haven’t discovered yet; someone riding one and your giant/normal A dragon the size of a falcon; a sky landscape of sunset kissed clouds.Best of all, it still feels like you’ve seen it a hundred times special.

The lack of direction outside of the story is both a blessing and a curse, making the long-term appeal up for debate. Even so, this is the flight you should take if you have the chance.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.