
Why did the mom poison her daughter in Run?

  1. As Paulson told Collider, Diane was a victim of abuse and neglect at the hands of her mother as a child
  2. While her motivation was twisted, Diane made Chloe sick so she could give her daughter what she never received from her own mother — love, support, and care

Why does Diane have scars in Run? A deleted scene from Run shows Diane was also abused by her mother as a child, which led to the scars that are visible on her back when she takes a shower Ultimately, though, Run intentionally avoids answering the question of whether Chloe or Diane will ever fully escape this cycle of abuse

Meanwhile, Why couldn’t Chloe walk at the end of Run? The end of Run reveals that Chloe isn’t paralyzed, but she is an ambulatory wheelchair user, which means that she has the capability to walk short distances The prolonged use of the muscle relaxer likely caused her to lose some function in her legs Ultimately, Chloe is not as sick as Diane makes her out to be

What was the point of the movie Chloe?

“Chloe” centers on a powerfully erotic young woman with personal motives that are hidden It is not blatant but seductive, depending on the ways that our minds, more than our bodies, can be involved in a sexual relationship

In fact, Will there be a Run 2? HBO will not be proceeding with a second season of Run, its romantic comedic thriller starring Domhnall Gleeson and Merritt Wever

Why did Chloe’s mom drug her in Run?

After a series of fraught attempts at getting help, she finally manages to uncover that one of the medications she is on is actually a relaxant for dogs and can lead to a human’s legs going numb Diane finds her and promptly sedates Chloe, who wakes locked in her room at home

Is Run based off a true story? Though Run isn’t based on any one true story, it’s definitely a thriller that reflects the horrors of abuse against disabled people and the real life experiences of victims of carer abuse, as well as FDIA

What is the pill called Chloe? The pharmacist refuses to tell her what the medication is at first, but Chloe eventually tricks her into revealing that it is a relaxant called Ridocaine, which is only approved for dogs

What happens to Tom in Run?

In a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment in the following scene, Diane is shown dragging a body through the hallway of her home The body seems to be wearing sturdy boots on its feet — just like those a mailman would probably wear This all but confirms that Diane killed Tom off-screen

What were the scars on Diane’s back in Run? A deleted scene from Run shows Diane was also abused by her mother as a child, which led to the scars that are visible on her back when she takes a shower Ultimately, though, Run intentionally avoids answering the question of whether Chloe or Diane will ever fully escape this cycle of abuse

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Dominique Cox
Dominique Cox is an editor of and has been writing professional articles about video games since 2013. Dominique has written thousands of game reviews and articles during his career. He considers himself a video game historian and strives to play as many games as possible. Dominique reports the latest breaking news from and Write reviews, guide content, etc.