
Star Citizen is reworking its roadmap to avoid 'distractions' from unhappy players

Star Citizen is reworking its roadmap to avoid ‘distractions’ from unhappy players

Star Citizen is reworking its roadmap to avoid ‘distractions’ from unhappy players


Cloud Imperium Games is making changes to Star Citizen’s public development roadmap to reduce the “distraction” caused by players and followers who see long-term goals as solid commitments, and fuss with each plan change.

The latest “Roadmap Roundup” begins with a detailed explanation of how Star Citizen’s roadmap has been presented since 2020, when the CIG introduced several updates to increase transparency into the development process. The changes include an in-depth progress tracker designed to shift the focus “from delivery to progress,” with the idea that players can focus on what Cloud Imperium is actually working on at any given time, rather than when the work is expected to be completed.

Long-term forecasts still exist in the release view section of the roadmap, which allows players to see future plans. However, the section has been redesigned in various ways, including adding labels to indicate whether specific features in the work are “temporarily planned” or “promised.”

But more than a year after making those changes, Cloud Imperium believes that approach is wrong because “it focuses too much on features that are highly likely to change.”

“We’ve made it very clear that despite our best efforts to communicate the fluidity of development and how to sincerely not rely on features marked ‘tentative’, the general concern of many of our most enthusiastic players continues to lead them to release views Anything on this page is to be construed as a commitment,” the studio wrote.

“We have to admit that not everyone sees it that way; many take our new focus and our words to heart and fully understand what we are trying to convey. But there is still a very vocal group of roadmap watchers who see predictions as promises Every time we move deliverables, their constant noise has become a distraction within CIG and within our community, as well as potential Star Citizen fans watching on our open dev exchanges.”

To avoid this “noise”, Cloud Imperium will no longer show any work in progress in the “Release View” section of the roadmap, rather than work for the next quarter.

“Although we always added a warning that a card can be moved, we now feel it’s best not to put deliverables on Release View until we’ve actually committed to it,” the studio said. “We will be emphasizing more strongly than ever that you should focus on our progress tracker, which has always been our goal.”

“Going forward (beginning after Alpha 3.18), we will only add cards after a quarter of the release view. Our process for updating feature status remains the same: cards on release views will be listed as tentative until they are With final review, they are marked as submitted when they pass.”

On the surface, this seems reasonable—managing expectations is just a smart thing—but Star Citizen is an unusual case, to put it mildly. It’s been in development for over a decade, has raised over $433 million in crowdfunding, but is still in alpha, and the single-player campaign component Squadron 42 still doesn’t show any sign of a release date. I don’t think fans of “passionate” might want more clarity on why it’s unfair that things aren’t happening, especially considering that some of them have shown amazing patience with this project and called them “distractions” that they The complaint is that “noise” — acknowledging that online discourse can quickly become vicious — doesn’t seem like the smartest way to deal with this unpleasantness.

Reviews are certainly not universally recognized on the Star Citizen subreddit. Some followers hope this change will help Cloud Empire focus on development, but others point out, you know, it’s been ten years and they’re still waiting for the beta.

“I apologize to CIG for being frustrated and distracting people from spending more money after 10 years,” wrote one redditor, starting a post that is now driving 300 replies.

“Did the CIG think they delivered something?” Another replied. “In 2012 it was a space exploration game with 185 systems. In 2022 we have a system with prison suits and coffee…”

“Despite the debate on delays, roadmaps and transparency…CIG does not feel right about the wording of this sentence,” another redditor said in a separate post. “This is the first time I’ve seen CIG PR take a radically negative stance on a part of the community.”

Despite numerous delays — all of which were originally supposed to be released in 2014 — and the fact that there is still no end in sight, Cloud Imperium COO Carl Jones recently said that the studio will soon begin work on a sequel to Squadron 42 .

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.