
Superliminal now has a co-op mode, and more confusing perspectives are puzzling

Superliminal now has a co-op mode, and more confusing perspectives are puzzling

Superliminal now has a co-op mode, and more confusing perspectives are puzzling

After brazenly adding a multiplayer mode last month, the bizarre puzzle game Superliminal has moved on and added co-op. Co-op mode for up to 4 players lets you play “the whole game, end to end”. It is opened through the multiplayer menu.

Frankly, it seems completely insane to add other people’s chaos to a game that lets you distort perspective and make things bigger and/or smaller by holding them around and walking around. I mean, you should have your friends play this game with you and drag the absolute crap out of them. It’s like using gravity guns to pull crates out of people in Half-Life 2, but with pure uncut cocaine.

Last month’s update was a multiplayer battle royale mode, and in a way, the co-op update added five new puzzle rooms to the battle royale: Ballpit, Revolve, TowerClimb, Escher, and ClimbProMax. Predictably, they all appear unhinged, as do the new powerups “stealth” and tweaks so that “the victor’s soda can will now follow you to the ends of the earth.”

It’s also the holidays, so there’s Christmas snow. I no longer know or understand the world.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.