
Apex Legends Mobile's bunny hopping is finally getting nerfed

Apex Legends Mobile’s bunny hopping is finally getting nerfed

Apex Legends Mobile’s bunny hopping is finally getting nerfed


It looks like bunny hopping won’t be a viable strategy in Apex Legends Mobile, as developer Respawn will undercut the move. Changes will be made in the next update of the game.

“We’ve seen some interesting players come through [bunny hopping]do some crazy exercise,” Respawn said in Twitter“However, the amount of momentum conservation achieved by this technique was never intentional, so our next update will include a fix for this.”

Bunny hopping is a technique that can be used in many first-person shooters, where players rely on momentum, crouching, and repeated small jumps to move is Very Technology popular in Titanfall 2 that allows pilots to move faster across the map instead of just sprinting, and makes them smaller targets that are harder to hit. That’s not the case with Apex Legends, where Legends move at a different speed than Titan Pilots.

Like Titanfall 2, bunny hopping has been a very useful strategy in Apex Legends Mobile since day one. In Respawn’s Mobile Battle Royale, being able to successfully use this technique makes you extremely hard to hit, causing frustration in the community. It’s great to see Respawn finally fix this. receive a commission from retail offers.

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Wilbert Wood
Games, music, TV shows, movies and everything else.