
Final Fantasy XVI Coming to PS5 in Summer 2023, New Game Trailer Revealed

Final Fantasy XVI Coming to PS5 in Summer 2023, New Game Trailer Revealed

Final Fantasy XVI Coming to PS5 in Summer 2023, New Game Trailer Revealed

Final Fantasy XVI featured in the PlayStation State of Play demo. Square Enix showed off its upcoming limited-time PS5-exclusive action, showcasing its world and action-oriented combat. It has been revealed that Final Fantasy XVI will release exclusively on PS5 in summer 2023.

The new Final Fantasy XVI trailer showcases multiple in-game bosses, as well as real-time action combat. Combat looks similar to Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy VII Remake, with high-speed movement and damage numbers flying around. Some of the boss fights shown have more cinematic camera angles, while the protagonist’s health bar and the boss’s health bar are highlighted. The trailer also sets the stage for a massive war between the two factions in the game and shows off a more fantasy-heavy world.

Detailed on the PlayStation Blog, the new trailer also provides more information on Final Fantasy XVI as well as Eikons’ story. The Eikons act as summons in the game, but also play an important role in the ongoing conflict in the realm of Valistea. Permanent economic adviser Hugo Kupka came to power as the ruler of Ikon Titan, making him politically influential and amassing enormous personal wealth. Opposite him is Benedict Tahaman, ruler of Eikon Garuda, who is on a mission to find the second Eikon of Fire when she encounters protagonist Clive Rosfield.

Final Fantasy XVI, the first mainline entry in the series since 2016’s Final Fantasy XV, returns to a more traditional fantasy setting we haven’t seen in a long time. It’s handled by the same Square Enix division responsible for the excellent Final Fantasy XIV MMO, and Devil May Cry V designer Ryota Suzuki is serving as combat director — so we should expect some pretty smooth action.

The game won’t be coming to PS4, although an early trailer suggests it will be coming to PC sometime after launch. receive a commission from retail offers.

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Wilbert Wood
Games, music, TV shows, movies and everything else.