
Flashpoint LTM is only coming to Apex Legends Mobile this weekend

Flashpoint LTM is only coming to Apex Legends Mobile this weekend

Flashpoint LTM is only coming to Apex Legends Mobile this weekend


Flashpoint, the popular Apex Legends limited-time mode, is now playable on Apex Legends Mobile — but it’s only coming on weekends.

Flashpoint first appeared in the PC and console versions of Season 6 of Apex Legends. In Flashpoint games, there are no healing items in the loot pool. Instead, players can only heal wounds in fast crowded flashpoint areas.

Flashpoint LTM, as seen in Apex Legends Mobile.

Flashpoint areas appear on the map as large blue circles, and while they may appear to be a safe haven at first glance, they are often the scene of intense battles between the multiple squads lurking in the healing oasis. Thankfully, players don’t need to do anything special to activate the healing mechanic – once you enter the flashpoint area, you’ll automatically start healing your health or any damage your shields might take.

Unlike standard battle royale mode, Flashpoint games don’t see rings close on their own in stages. Instead, the ring keeps shrinking throughout the game, so it’s imperative to keep an eye on the map during Flashpoint matches. The last thing you want to do is take ring damage while trying to get to the nearest flashpoint area.

Like the fast-paced nature of its games, Flashpoint Mode isn’t going to stay in one place for long — LTM will only be available in Apex Legends Mobile for the next two days, so be sure to check it out before it goes away. receive a commission from retail offers.

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Wilbert Wood
Games, music, TV shows, movies and everything else.