
Nintendo says it improved security after Gigaleak

Nintendo says it improved security after Gigaleak

Nintendo says it improved security after Gigaleak


After several of its classic game prototypes and assets were leaked in 2020, Nintendo finally acknowledged the incident and added security at the time.

Transcribed by Twitter user style (via VGC), Nintendo was asked at its annual shareholder meeting in Kyoto, Japan, about its stance on iQue, the Chinese brand created to distribute Nintendo content and included in the big leak.

“The PC and mobile game markets in China are huge, but dedicated consoles are not that big,” said Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa. “We hope to continue to popularize them together with Tencent. We are working with information leakage experts. We have also introduced information security management.”

When first leaked, internal documents and data from the N64, GameCube, Nintendo DS and Wii projects circulated online, giving fans a look behind the scenes of the company and its preservation efforts. One group of fans used the files to restore the 30-year-old Super Mario World soundtrack, while another dedicated modder spent nine months restoring a prototype SNES version of Super Mario Kart that included a track editor.

Nintendo “gigaleak” has released an astonishing amount of content online, including the legendary Zelda: Ocarina demo of Chronoworld, the shocking discovery that Luigi has actually been in Super Mario 64 the whole time, and playables of many famous games archetype like Super Mario Kart and Yoshi’s Island.

Nintendo is also notorious for lawsuits and takedowns related to its intellectual property, as recent reports suggest the software giant is targeting YouTube channels to host the soundtracks of its games, issuing cease and desist notices to fan projects, and calling Its lawyers cancel the themed tournament. Not even uploads of out-of-print strategy books were available from Nintendo, as the company issued takedown notices to uploaders who shared scans of the enchanting Super Mario 64 guide.

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Wilbert Wood
Games, music, TV shows, movies and everything else.