
Seasons: A Letter to the Future Pedal Coming to PS5 and PS4 This Fall

Seasons: A Letter to the Future Pedal Coming to PS5 and PS4 This Fall


Season, the cycling adventure game that debuted at The Game Awards 2020 by Scavengers Studio, resurfaces as Season: A letter to the future in a brand new gameplay trailer shown during the latest PlayStation State of Play. The trailer further showcases the game’s excellent art style and quaint gameplay, including taking photos, biking through fields and down mountains, and meeting strangers on the road.

See for yourself in this new trailer that combines a lot of gameplay with some story threads.

Recording ends before a new start. Check out the gameplay trailer for Seasons: Letters to the Future.
Ride through beautiful landscapes and unravel the secrets and stories of this world.
Coming to PC, PS4 and PS5 in Fall 2022. ๐ŸŒฟโœจ

โ€” Season: A Letter to the Future (@SeasonTheGame) June 2, 2022

Scavengers Studio’s previous game, Darwin Project, offered a very different experience, as a frantic survival craft battle royale game where the “show director” and the audience could influence the game, such as deciding where to drop bombs and close the arena. The vibes of the seasons are almost diametrically opposed, seeming to crawl deliberately slowly.

While the game itself feels calm and enjoyable, the studio has previously been embroiled in controversy over the studio CEO’s inappropriate behavior at a party. A subsequent cautious response from other studio leaders, including demoting the defendants, created a rift in which some employees felt no action was taken at all, which the team later called “regret.” When the story spread more widely, it led to the indefinite ouster of CEO Amรฉlie Lamarche, while the accused employee, former CEO and then-creative director Simon Darveau, was permanently fired after being found at fault.

Independent audit of team work environment concludes”[w]Systemic sexual or psychological harassment in the studio, although there are still some workplace behaviors that need improvement [was not found]โ€, according to an official statement published on the companyโ€™s website in June 2021.

The team says it has identified key areas for improvement and appears ready to put the problem behind it. Seasons: A Letter to the Future is scheduled to release on PC via Steam and PS5 and PS4 this fall. receive a commission from retail offers.

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Wilbert Wood
Games, music, TV shows, movies and everything else.