
Wattson Guide - Apex Legends

Wattson Guide – Apex Legends

Apex Legends has a ton of legends with different skills, but none of them are better defensively than Watson. While Watson’s tactical abilities can deal a little damage, her gear is entirely designed around fortifying positions, neutralizing the abilities of other Legendaries, and empowering her allies with regenerative body shields. She is a utterly selfless legend who gave everything to protect her allies. Here’s a rundown on how Wattson’s abilities work, along with some tips on how to get the best out of her.

Defensive Awareness Ability of Defensive Aware Players

Watson’s passive ability is spark of genius. This allows the Ultimate Booster to fully charge her ultimate ability, and also allows her to hold two Ultimate Boosters per inventory slot. In addition, she will gradually restore her shield over time.

Her tactical abilities are Perimeter security, which allows her to place electrical nodes that create power fences when connected. Enemies that pass through this field take a little damage and are slowed.

interception tower is her ultimate ability, it places an electrified tower that can destroy incoming ordnance such as grenades and airstrikes. It also repairs the shields of anyone standing within range. It can never be affected, but enemies can destroy it.

You are a fortified machine…

Watson’s main advantage is to consolidate the position. All of her abilities are reflected in her ability to lock onto positions and protect her team from incoming attackers. Her ultimate ability allows her to regenerate teammates’ shields and destroy incoming projectiles. This allows Wattson to protect her teammates from many other abilities from legends like Caustic or Bangalore.

Cancelling an enemy’s ability can turn the tide of the battle, especially in late game where squads are close together and ranged attacks are deadlier. Wattson can also use her electric fence to protect her position, not only to prevent charges, but also to know if anyone is flanking. Having a fence on Watson’s flank will let her know when enemies are coming, as the fence will damage incoming enemies and send her an alarm or be destroyed, which Watson can see happening.

Apex Legends – Wattson Character Trailer

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…not an offensive power

Watson’s main weakness is that her abilities are not well suited to offense. Neither her ultimate nor her tactical abilities can really work effectively if your team decides to rush the other team. Sure, Wattson can build fences and drop her ultimate very quickly, but if you get into a fight, they become difficult to move once you place them. While the main factor in winning teamfights is gunfights, Watson’s inability to use her abilities in a meaningful way on offense is a big disadvantage for her, and ultimately her biggest disadvantage.

Pair with other defensive legends

Watson pairs well with legends who build on her strengths or make up for what she lacks offensively. For legends looking to go all out on defense, Caustic and Rampart pair well with Wattson. Caustic provides more defensive opportunities with his gas trap, while Wattson’s ultimate can be used to protect Rampart’s abilities from incoming explosives. Using Caustic’s ultimate ability, the team will still have some offensive power, but this setup is mostly for squatting.

Wattson also pairs well with traversing legends like Octane and Pathfinder. Both characters can use their ultimate abilities to move entire squads into positions where Watson can quickly step up. Meanwhile, Revenant’s ultimate ability, Death Totem, can turn his squad into shadows that are sent back to the totem after taking a certain amount of damage. Wattson can use her electric fence and her tower to protect the totem from attack while the team moves forward.

Watson’s Electric Fence and Tower

Know your opponent’s expectations

To better understand how the enemy will try to knock you down, it’s best to know how to knock out an opponent’s Watson yourself. Removing an enemy Watson from the battlefield usually requires a strong push from your team and some focused gunfire. The immediate priority is that her pylon needs to be destroyed. It provides protection from projectiles and some shield regeneration, so getting it out is a priority. After that, some grenades or blast-based ultimates can clear Watson’s fence and divert her from where she was hiding. After that, you need to get before the enemy squad resets their defenses. Another option is to rush in before Watson has a chance to be ready at the start, as it may take her some time to get all her defenses in place.

Wattson Fences can also be destroyed almost instantly through the base of a shooting tower, so if the base is visible, remove it as soon as possible. Another countermeasure for Watson is to get out of the fight. You can always leave unless it’s the last two squads, or where your team needs to get past the enemy Watson setup. Either avoid the fight entirely, or enemy Watson’s squad will try to follow, losing their defensive advantage. Crypto also has a hard-hitting counterattack against Wattson, as the EMP blast from his drone can instantly destroy all her defenses, forcing her to wait for the cooldown to expire and reset.


Really though, it’s all about those fences

Wattson’s primary use in most situations is her fences, so it’s worth getting used to how best to use them. Here are some one-time tips for getting the most out of her: receive a commission from retail offers.

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Wilbert Wood
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