
What would you add to your new gaming PC now?

What would you add to your new gaming PC now?

What would you add to your new gaming PC now?


If you had $2,000 to spend on a new PC, what would you buy? Even with a few pianos to play, you have to make sacrifices: if you want Cyberpunk 2077 to run smoothly at 1440p with ray tracing enabled, you can’t spend a quarter of your money on tempered glass and RGB lighting . What if you have $500? Can you assemble a budget PC and get the job done at the release of the biggest RPG of the year?

Just for fun, we held a hypothetical PC build event in the PC Gamer forums. The competition is simple: choose a budget limit ($500, $1,000, or $2,000) and create the best parts list possible. We’ll feature our favorite builds in each budget category on the site.

Strength is important, but your builds should be well-rounded, attractive, and functional. PCs with the best CPUs and GPUs on the market are unlikely to win plastic in the show.

Here’s a forum thread explaining our game rules and where you can enter:

We’ll feature your build on the website if you’re rated the best part picker, so make sure you give it a good name. Mythical creatures are always a good fallback if you can’t come up with anything.

If you’d like to join, the design build deadline is May 4th. (We recently extended it from April 27.)

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Wilbert Wood
Games, music, TV shows, movies and everything else.