
Batman's runtime is 2 hours and 47 minutes

Batman’s runtime is 2 hours and 47 minutes

Batman’s runtime is 2 hours and 47 minutes

Warner Bros. Pictures has announced that Matt Reeves’ new Batman movie has a running time of 167 minutes — or 2 hours and 47 minutes — without credits. Variety was the first to report on the length of the film. The film will be released on March 4th.

This running time means Batman will also be one of the longest comic book films ever made. It won’t be more than but right now with Zack Snyder’s Justice League (242 minutes) and Avengers: Endgame (181 minutes). The length, while considerable, is not shocking either. Long before the March release date, Warner Bros. had announced that it was looking at two spinoff series for HBO Max last fall. One of them, as portrayed by Colin Farrell, will center on a penguin. Another will focus on the Gotham City Police Department. In other words, we had to know the scope and story of the movie was huge to power it all before it hit theaters.

As Reeves stepped up his release on the runway, he also said in a recent interview that Batman’s Bruce Wayne was inspired by Kurt Cobain. Reeves told Empire, “Instead of making Bruce Wayne the version of Playboy we’ve seen before, there’s another version that went through a huge tragedy and became a recluse. So I started putting this one with Gus Van Sant The last days are linked to the idea of ​​this fictional version of Kurt Cobain in this decadent estate.”

Former Dark Knight Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton will reprise their roles in the Flash movie. Affleck previously mentioned that he “finally found Batman” while filming scenes for The Flash, compared to his negative experience working at the Justice League.

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Wilbert Wood
Games, music, TV shows, movies and everything else.