
Doom Shinobi mod is basically a new Ninja Gaiden

Doom Shinobi mod is basically a new Ninja Gaiden

It seems like every day a new Doom mod completely upends our understanding of what a Doom mod can achieve – from open-world apocalypse to golden axe. Now the Doom Shinobi mod threatens to add Doom to the best sword game on PC because it basically turns the shooter into Ninja Gaiden 4.

The new Doom Shinobi mod is now available and can be downloaded from ModDB. Creator edypagaza said their goal was to “bring and experience a new style of play for players,” and they did exactly that. While there are some similarities to Doom II’s third-person melee combat mode, it’s more based on unarmed hand-to-hand combat.

Doom Shinobi, on the other hand, is about awesome and ridiculous swordplay. This mod adds traditional ninja blades, ridiculous Final Fantasy VII-style broadswords, and throwing weapons like darts and kunai. Players can unleash a variety of combo types, even the magic of fighting demons. It’s really crazy.

Currently the mod is only available for Doom’s original levels and classic enemies, but edypagaza’s roadmap includes custom enemies and a brand new map pack. When it’s done, Doom Ninja will not be recognizable as Doom. Did we mention that it also has a wall running function?

Elsewhere in the Doom modding community, Siren is a cool mix of System Shock and Aliens, a mod that allows you to shoot NFTs for fake money. Oh sorry folks – Doom won’t happen in 2022.

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Kirsten Bennett
Kirsten is a passionate writer who loves games, and one day he decided to combine the two. She is now professionally writing niche articles about Consoles and hardware .