
Factorio expansion will be as big as ‘the whole vanilla game’

Factorio expansion will be as big as ‘the whole vanilla game’

It’s been over a year since the new Factory Alien expansion was released, and developer Wube Software opted to do just that instead of the smaller DLC pack, and fans haven’t heard anything since. Now, the team has finally provided an update that confirms it will be a full-priced version as big as the original game – although it may be a long way from launch.

The Factorio expansion was announced in February 2021, alongside news that the Steam release would mark the end of updates to the game – so the expansion will be Wube Software’s focus from then on. It also said the expansion would not “take less than a year”.

That’s true, as the Factory Alien DLC still hasn’t come out after a year – but Wube posted a blog post to update fans on its status. The developers plan to make the expansion the same $30 as the main game, and “put in enough content to make it worth the money.” “The overarching goal,” the blog post notes, “is to make the expansion feel as important as the entire original game.”

The post says the team is currently creating a prototype build of the extension. “Much of the game is playable, and we’re approaching a state where we can playtest it from start to finish”. After that, Wube will continue to tweak and improve, followed by beta testing — which it plans to invite a “limited number of players” to help — before releasing the final expansion.

The expansion will be released alongside the free Factory Alien 1.2 update, which contains many improvements – like various quality of life tweaks – but not content, although if you can “turn off” the expansion and play the original without it Factory Alien buys DLC and wants to do it.

As for when the expansion will come out, or even when it will be properly named and revealed, fans will just have to sit tight for now and maybe play some great Factory Alien mods while they wait.

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Kirsten Bennett
Kirsten is a passionate writer who loves games, and one day he decided to combine the two. She is now professionally writing niche articles about Consoles and hardware .