
Get 13 PC games for just $10 and help fight cancer with the F*** Cancer Humble Bundle

Get 13 PC games for just $10 and help fight cancer with the F*** Cancer Humble Bundle

Get 13 PC games for just $10 and help fight cancer with the F*** Cancer Humble Bundle

The only thing better than a lot? Of course, this helps support a great cause. Fortunately, that’s exactly what the folks at Humble do best.

To celebrate the life of former Starbreeze Studios head Mikael Nermark, Humble teamed up with the developer’s friends, family and colleagues across the gaming industry to “fulfill his last birthday wish”: a Humble bundle dedicated to funding cancer research.

The F*** Cancer Bundle contains 13 games, from the asymmetrical survival horror game Dead by Daylight to Starbreeze Studios’ Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, with nearly $300 worth of games. However, for just $10, you can proudly own each of them. Even better, 100% of your purchases will be donated to Cancerfonden (Swedish Cancer Society), an independent non-profit organization whose main mission is to beat cancer.

As of now, nearly 30,000 of these bundles have been sold — and they’ve only been on sale for three days. The F*** Cancer Bundle will be on sale until February 18th at 11AM PT / 2PM ET. Below is a list of all the games included, along with their current retail value on Steam.

Games include:

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Wilbert Wood
Games, music, TV shows, movies and everything else.