
Ghostwire: Tokyo's gameplay suggests it's more of a magical fighting game than a horror game

Ghostwire: Tokyo’s gameplay suggests it’s more of a magical fighting game than a horror game

Ghostwire: Tokyo’s gameplay suggests it’s more of a magical fighting game than a horror game


My horror game abilities are very limited, so my first reaction to Ghostwire: Tokyo, a new project from Tango Gameworks studio Evil Within, was, “Well, I don’t need that kind of pressure.” But the more I saw, the more I more interested.

A new 18-minute gameplay trailer released by IGN today (watch it here) really cements that impression. It’s definitely weird, but the player character is too heavy for any real horror aspect. It’s more of a supernatural invisible brawler: use your powers to find some bad guys, sneak up on them, and raise your hand.

Of course, there’s more than just fights going on here. As Molly put it in her recent preview, your main weapon in Ghostwire: Tokyo is – I quote – “Cool Dancing Hand Magic”, known in the game’s lexicon as Ethereal Weaving . Among other things, the ability enables players to defeat enemies and, in due course, rip their “core”, a quick and dirty exorcism demon that has sent everyone in Tokyo into souls sucked into the void , which is why this place is so empty. Like I said, it’s weird.

A more specific example of this weirdness occurs early in the video, when the player hunts down something called a kappa with a cucumber. But it turned out to be bizarre in context: According to Wikipedia, kappa are an amphibian in Japanese folklore, and yes, they love cucumbers a lot. (They apparently also like to pull white jade It will be interesting to see how it plays out in the game by coming out of their victims through their anus. )

The clip also features one of my favorite subtitles of late:

(Image credit: Tango Games)

Ghostwire: Tokyo will be released on March 25. A free visual novel setting in-game events called Ghostwire: Tokyo – Prelude is out now on Steam.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.