
How the table turns: We can finally eat Kirby

How the table turns: We can finally eat Kirby


Kirby has been ingesting creatures for decades, so it’s time to make him a snack. Amazon is currently taking pre-orders for a Kirby-themed silicone mold. This mold has 12 different Kirby expressions that will print on any delicious dish you decide to make. This is an officially licensed product, so rest assured that Nintendo has graciously allowed Kirby to be devoured by fans around the world.


Nintendo even offers some advice on how to prepare snack time for Kirby. Amazon’s listing suggests baking chocolate, making jelly, and even freezing Kirby into ice cubes so you can enjoy him on the rocks. Seriously, this tray is pretty small (7.67 x 5.5 inches), so each Kirby snack is bite-sized. You probably won’t be able to really taste the flavor, which feels appropriate given Kirby’s own eating habits.

Kirby’s silicone molds cost $22 and will be released on April 24. I have to admit it sounds pretty expensive for a small tray like this, but I guess Kirby is a delicacy.

In other news, Kirby will have another adventure next week on the Nintendo Switch. Kirby and the Forgotten Land is the first 3D platformer in franchise history. In addition to Kirby’s familiar copying abilities, the little guy can wrap himself around objects like cars and traffic cones. For more information on upcoming Switch exclusives, check out our Kirby and the Forgotten preview. receive a commission from retail offers.

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Wilbert Wood
Games, music, TV shows, movies and everything else.