
Is the Khajiit race good in Skyrim?

Khajiits excel in stealth roles, making them extraordinary assassins, thieves, and archers. Their excellent Sneak level coupled with certain Archery and Sneak perks make them very deadly archers, especially when sneak attacking.

Beside this, Why do people like Khajiit? Khajiit are best known for their appearance, but if there’s one thing they’re also quite famous for it’s trading exotic items. As traders, Khajiit are sought after by many due to their strange wares, which includes a narcotic potion known as Skooma.

Is Khajiit a good race eso? Khajiit Race

Khajiit racial passives are both good for magicka and stamina based setups.

In this regard, Is Khajiit or Argonian better?

They both have bonuses to pickpocket and lockpicking, though Argonians have the highest lockpicking bonus of any race. Argonians have restoration magic to heal and prevent damage, Khajiit have alchemy to heal, poison, and create buffs.

How strong are Khajiit claws?

Traits[edit] Claws ability (FormID 000aa01e ): Khajiit claws do 12 points of damage in addition to their base damage value of 10 points for unarmed combat. Although the in-game text says “Khajiit claws do 15 points of damage.”, the actual effect magnitude is only 12 points.

Can Khajiit become vampires? The ability to become a vampire is based on contracting a Sanguinare Vampiris, a disease to which the Khajiit have no more immunity than any other race, which is to say none. The ability to become a Vampire Lord is by pact with Molag Bal.

Can Khajiit meow? Alfiq Khajiit have been known to meow thanks to Marekki. However, a more definitive statement about all forms of Khajiit cannot be made at this time, and more research is still necessary. Until that time, this is where we will have to leave this for now.

What is the Khajiit language? Ta’agra is the language spoken by the Khajiit of Elsweyr. Although many natives of Elsweyr can speak Tamrielic, it is not uncommon for Khajiit to interject Ta’agra words or phrases into their sentences.

Can Khajiit marry humans?

It’s not about interracial(which is in the game as a male Khajiit can marry a female Dunmer or a male Dunmer can marry a female Argonian, both because of certain books), but rather that Khajiit can’t marry Khajiit and Bosmer can’t marry Bosmer, as well as those 2 lacking a marriageable person of either gender.

What God do Khajiit worship? The Khajiiti variation of Akatosh, Alkosh is the principal deity in the Anaquinine religion, one of two distinct Khajiiti kingdoms. Alkosh is credited with defeating and repelling Pelinal Whitestrake from Elsweyr during a massive attack on the Khajiit.

Can a Khajiit become a werewolf?

Yes, characters of any playable race can become a werewolf, including Argonians and Khajiits.

Where do the Khajiit live? Khajiit are one of the ten default playable races in The Elder Scrolls. They are one of the beast races which inhabit the continent of Tamriel, primarily their home province of Elsweyr. They are known for their natural agility, stealth, and their production of moon sugar, which can be refined into skooma.

Who worships Khajiit?

The Khajiiti variation of Akatosh, Alkosh is the principal deity in the Anaquinine religion, one of two distinct Khajiiti kingdoms. Alkosh is credited with defeating and repelling Pelinal Whitestrake from Elsweyr during a massive attack on the Khajiit.

How do Khajiit names work?

Commonly a Khajiit takes up just one honorific at a time, as using two either shows great ignorance or great pride. They also sometimes are given in terms of endearment, banter or deceit. Rarely, even non-Khajiit take up Khajiit honorifics.

How do you spell Khajiit? In the game, the word Khajiit derives from the race’s fictional language, Ta’agra. Khaj means desert, -iit denotes personhood, making the combined form roughly mean “desert-walker,” a fitting name for the Khajiit’s arid homeland.

How do you marry a Khajiit? You can now marry any of the Caravan Khajiit or J’zargo without any console commands. … Choose to live with your Khajiit instead, and the objective to live with him or her will appear. If your Khajiit has a house, perfect.

Who can I marry in Skyrim as a girl?


Name Race Location
Jordis the Sword-Maiden Nord Proudspire Manor in Solitude.
Lydia Nord Dragonsreach.
Mjoll the Lioness Nord Riften.
Muiri Breton The Hag’s Cure in Markarth.

• 12 Jan 2022

Can I marry J Zargo? Version 1.0. 0. Allowed the player to marry J’zargo after completing the “J’zargo’s Experiment” quest.

Who created the Khajiit?

The Khajiit have a unique origin story, passed down through the generations by the Clan Mothers. It is told all life was created as a result of two ‘littermates’ Ahnurr and Fadomai, who wishing to share their happiness with children birthed a litter.

What are good Khajiit names? Khajiit Name Generator

  • Dar (Thief)
  • Do (Warrior)
  • Dra (Wise)
  • Dro (Grandparent)
  • J / Ja / Ji (Youth)
  • Jo / Ko (Wizard)
  • La / Lo (Promiscuous)
  • M / Ma (Child or Apprentice)

How long do Khajiit live for?

We know that a normal human lifespan is 70-80 years (on Tamriel). This would suggest that the NORMAL Khajiit, like the Cathay, the Cathay-Raht, etc. have a lifespan of about 70-80 as well, give or take a few for each breed.

Can humans and Khajiit breed? It is less clear whether the Argonians and Khajiit are interfertile with both humans and elves. Though there have been many reports throughout the Eras of children from these unions, as well as stories of unions with daedra, there have been no well documented offspring.

Can I marry a Khajiit?

in the same way Can you marry Khajiit? You can now marry any of the Caravan Khajiit or J’zargo without any console commands. … Choose to live with your Khajiit instead, and the objective to live with him or her will appear.

Can Khajiit breed with humans? It is less clear whether the Argonians and Khajiit are interfertile with both humans and elves. Though there have been many reports throughout the Eras of children from these unions, as well as stories of unions with daedra, there have been no well documented offspring.

Why do Khajiit look different?

Their looks aren’t determined by genetics like most of the other races. The Two Moons, known as Masser and Secunda, are the ones that determine what a Khajiit could look like. The breed of a Khajiit is determined by the phases of the moons, and they vary greatly from one to another.

What do Khajiit believe in? In Khajiiti religion, Jone and Jode are aspects of the Lunar Lattice, or ja-Kha’jay. Mara (Mother Cat): Nearly universal goddess. Originally a fertility goddess, the Khajiit associate her with Nir of the “Anuad,” the female principle of the cosmos.

Are Khajiit cats? Khajiit (from Ta’agra, meaning desert-dweller) are cat-like people who come from Elsweyr, known for high intelligence and agility. These traits make them very good thieves and acrobats, but Khajiit are also fearsome warriors. However, they are rarely known to be mages.

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Dominique Cox
Dominique Cox is an editor of and has been writing professional articles about video games since 2013. Dominique has written thousands of game reviews and articles during his career. He considers himself a video game historian and strives to play as many games as possible. Dominique reports the latest breaking news from and Write reviews, guide content, etc.