
Now NFTs are ruining TVs as Samsung announces future compatibility

Now NFTs are ruining TVs as Samsung announces future compatibility

Whether you join or not, NFTs are everywhere, and it seems that every company wants a piece of the pie. Even companies like Square Enix and Ubisoft are eager to embrace the technology, meaning even our gaming experience could soon take an irreplaceable turn. Of course, you can escape those pesky crypto assets by simply shutting down your gaming PC and watching some TV. However, thanks to Samsung, your next upcoming monitor may feature NFT gubbins.

According to Samsung, the company plans to support NFTs broadly across its 2022 lineup. In a press release, the tech giant revealed that it will launch “the world’s first TV screen-based NFT browser and market aggregator,” which will allow asset owners to share their weird monkey art with the world and act as a blockchain storefront.

Samsung also says its new TVs will come with specific smart calibration features designed to help accurately portray your ape. In other words, if you pay a fortune for an irreplaceable piece of art, you can rest assured that it should look good.

More details about Samsung’s NFT platform will come to light once compatible TVs hit the market this year. While the South Korean company is the first display maker to board the blockchain boat, it may not be the last. If you want to actually view an NFT from your living room right now, nothing really stops you from saving it online and popping it up on the big screen. Of course, if you do, you won’t have a digital ledger receipt to show you own it, so you can get it from it.

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Kirsten Bennett
Kirsten is a passionate writer who loves games, and one day he decided to combine the two. She is now professionally writing niche articles about Consoles and hardware .