
Pope starts playing a song from hit RPG Undertale in 2022

Pope starts playing a song from hit RPG Undertale in 2022

Pope starts playing a song from hit RPG Undertale in 2022

For some reason, the Pope is now hearing one of the most iconic video game songs of the 2010s as Kotaku has seen. In a weekly general audience yesterday, Vatican speakers slammed Undertale’s “Megalovania” as circus performers juggled and rode unicycles in front of the Venerable. There’s video proof too, in case you’re like me and can’t believe this actually happened.

Later in the circus, the song supporting Undertale’s boss fight with Sans plays and no one notices. This jazzy, trumpet-filled version of “Megalovania” complements the performance, with wide-angle shots of the performers juggling the ball, making it all the more surreal by letting the audience stare blankly at it. That, and how the whole thing happened in the haunting glory of Fazzini’s Resurrection. Maybe in 2023, someone will play the Halo theme or wear something Deltarune.

This year has only just begun, and we’ve already performed the madness of Megalovania in front of the Pope. 6, 2022

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The Pope has actually approached Undertale before. In 2016, YouTuber MatPat was invited to speak with Pope Francis along with a number of other influencers. As a gift on behalf of America, MatPat gave the Pope a copy of Undertale. YouTubers said the gift was to echo the Pope’s statement that 2016 was a year of forgiveness and compassion. Six years later, here we are, and the game is rippling through the halls of the Vatican. If Pope never started Toby Fox’s now beloved indie RPG, maybe that would change his mind.

On the other hand, Marpat believes the Pope is just taking his time. “It took him five years, but he finally got Sans’ fight,” he wrote on twitter.

Before the Pope was introduced to Undertale, President Barack Obama was given a copy of The Witcher 2 during a trip to Poland, but we’re also not sure if he played his genius game. What other games will slip into the presence of government and religious officials? If the Pope actually played Undertale, would he even fight Sans in the first place? This will require killing everyone in the game and going down the “genocide” route. There are many things to think about in the first week of the new year.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.