
Rainbow Six Siege New Operator

Rainbow Six Siege’s new operator is very good at helping mix metadata in the popular multiplayer game. Each new season introduces new operators to change the competitive landscape and introduce exciting new tactics. As of high-caliber operations, there are currently 62 operators. The recently announced Year 7 roadmap means we expect to add four more over the next 12 months, bringing the total to 66.

Season 1 of Year 7 has now been revealed, and we’re eagerly awaiting the release date of Operation Demon Veil, as well as our first new Operator, Azami. She’s from Japan, and while we don’t know much about it, we do know that the three remaining new operators this year are from Belgium, Singapore and Colombia.

Below you’ll find a full rundown of everything we know about the new Rainbow Six Siege operator so far, plus a rundown of last year’s additions in case it’s been a while since you last logged in , you need a refresher on what’s new.

Rainbow Six Siege New Operator Year 7

The new operators coming to Rainbow Six: Siege Year 7 are:

  • settle down
  • Unnamed Belgian operator
  • unnamed singapore operator
  • unnamed colombian operator

Rainbow Six Siege Demon Veil Operator

Azami is the new operator of Operation Demon Veil, the first operation in Year 7 of Rainbow Six Siege. Her gadget is the Kiba Barrier, a kunai that creates a bulletproof barrier around the point of impact. This makes Azami perfect for denying FireWire, and she’s also the first operator introduced to technically fix a surface after it’s been damaged.

Her barriers aren’t indestructible – just a few melee attacks and explosives can destroy them, making them more flexible, but ultimately weaker than castle barricades. She has access to four barriers, but a cooldown timer prevents you from spamming all of them at once.

Her equipment includes Kapkan and Tachanka’s 9X19SVN SMG, as well as an ACS12 slug shotgun. Her unique sidearm is the D-50, and you can choose between barbed wire and shock grenades as your support gadget. Azumi is classified as a Medium Armored Operator with two hit points and two speeds.

Azumi’s gadget has a lot of tactical possibilities, and her ability to lock in line of sight can give defenders some extra breathing room on fields with lots of long corners and blind spots. You should read a snippet of our interview with creative director Alex Karpazis, in which he details the cancelled prototype operators – designated “Patcher” and “Flubber” – that led to Azumi’s final design.

Rainbow Six Siege Year 6 Operator

In case you missed it, four new operators were released during Rainbow Six Siege Year 6. This year’s current and final operation – Operation High Caliber – introduced us to Thorn, but the past year has also seen Osa, Thunderbird and Flores join the fray.


A trap-based defender, Thorn wears medium armor — two health, two speed anchors — with a throwable explosive called a Razor Flower Shell. When the attacker is within its range, the explosive will fire a bladed projectile after a short delay. Depending on where you are, this can lead to fatal injuries when it happens, although in most cases an alert attacker will have a chance to get out of the line of fire.


Rainbow Six Siege’s first transgender operator is a good replacement for Montagne, her Talon-8 shield. These transparent barriers can be deployed on the ground in a manner similar to a defender’s deployable shields, or they can be attached to doors and windows. These barriers may be bulletproof, but a single blow from an explosive can destroy them instantly. Ossa is very versatile as she is able to lock down flanks and tricky lines of fire while being able to stick plants under cover in a similar fashion to Montagne.


Thunderbird is the first new therapy operator since Doc, capable of deploying up to three Kóna stations on most horizontal surfaces. Stations heal whenever you’re in their range – and overheal, but have a cooldown timer before they can take another hit. They are a powerful buff to defensive anchors, keeping them at an angle for longer by replenishing health over time.

Her light armor, one blood, and three speeds also means she can be an effective rover. If you want to lurk or even anchor with her too, these sites can help facilitate that by replenishing your health, keeping you in the rounds longer.


Flores’ RCE-Ratero Charge drone is the ill-advised love child of Twitch’s drones and grenades, and it’s incredibly nimble. If needed, they can dash out of anchor points, clear utilities, and even perform soft damage from a distance. Drones can be vulnerable when roaming, but once triggered they immediately attach to the nearest surface, making themselves bulletproof. After a brief countdown, the drone begins to self-destruct.

related: The best FPS games on PC

Here’s everything we know about Rainbow Six Siege’s new operator. We’ll keep updating this guide as we learn more about Year 7, but in the meantime, you can check out our guide to the Best Operators for Rainbow Six Siege.

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Kirsten Bennett
Kirsten is a passionate writer who loves games, and one day he decided to combine the two. She is now professionally writing niche articles about Consoles and hardware .