
What happens if you don’t defuse the bomb on Tuchanka?

Not completing this mission in time results in a 300-point reduction of the krogan War Asset — a significant portion of the krogan population (and Eve, if she survives Priority: Tuchanka) die from the explosion.

Beside this, What missions are unavailable after Priority: Tuchanka? Each of these missions will be considered failed if you undertake the Priority: Tuchanka mission without completing these first;

  • Benning: Evidence.
  • Citadel: Alien Medi-Gel Formula.
  • Citadel: Barla Von.
  • Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces.
  • Citadel: Hanar Diplomat.
  • Citadel: Improved Power Grid.
  • Ismar Frontier: Prototype Components.

When should I do Tuchanka bomb? Once you receive this Mission, a hidden timer is activated: once you complete three other Missions, the bomb will go off and the strength of your Krogan War Assets will be significantly reduced. We recommend completing this Mission as soon as possible.

In this regard, Can you save Lieutenant victus?

No, unfortunately Tarquin Victus cannot be saved.

Is it better to cure the Genophage or not?

There’s no right or wrong answer as to whether the Genophage should be cured. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the turians, and Shepard learns early on that the Shroud was sabotaged to prevent any dispersal of the cure.

Can you get both salarian and krogan? In order to get the support of both you need to not reveal the sabotage plan to Wreav and Eve, and when you meet Mordin at the Shroud, either convince him that curing the genophage is a bad idea (causing him to walk away and not die – this is the only way to ensure he survives) or shoot him, preventing him from …

Is curing the Genophage time sensitive? Mass Effect’ Lore: Priority Tuchanka

Eve is indeed the key to curing the genophage, but creating a cure will take time.

Is me3 timed? They have no time limit, but each mission must be completed before the next becomes available.

Is Tuchanka turian platoon timed?

You will receive Tuchanka: Bomb, a timed mission, and will return to the Normandy.

What is a primarch Mass Effect? Primarch is the highest rank you can attain. The Codex entry on Turian government says the following: At the top are the Primarchs, who each rule a colonization cluster. The Primarchs vote on matters of national import.

Who should cure Genophage?

Mass Effect’ Lore: Priority Tuchanka

Eve is indeed the key to curing the genophage, but creating a cure will take time.

Can you get both Salarian and krogan? In order to get the support of both you need to not reveal the sabotage plan to Wreav and Eve, and when you meet Mordin at the Shroud, either convince him that curing the genophage is a bad idea (causing him to walk away and not die – this is the only way to ensure he survives) or shoot him, preventing him from …

Who should I take with me to cure the Genophage?

Curing the Genophage will reward you with The Urdnot Leader, Krogan Clans, and Clan Urdnot as well as some Krogan Mercenaries, if Wrex is the Leader as War Assets. If Wreav ends up as leader, and/or Eve died during the Mission, their strength will be diminished, resulting in fewer War Assets.

Can I cure the Genophage and get Salarian support?

You didn’t cure the genophage, you get Salarian support. If Wrex is alive, the only way is by saving the council dude. Either way is pretty heartbreaking, You either lose Wrex or you lose Thane or Kirrahe.

Should I reveal shroud sabotage? If you pick “[Reveal Shroud sabotage]”, Shepard will reveal the sabotage and the Dalatrass’ offer of betrayal. Your STG Doctor will now know about the sabotage in advance. If you pick “[Say nothing for now]”, you’ll remain silent, and your STG Doctor won’t discover the sabotage until they’re at the Shroud itself.

Can Mordin be saved in ME3? To keep Mordin alive in Mass Effect 3, the data needs to be destroyed which will ultimately also kill Eve, the only surviving Krogan from Maelon’s attempts to cure the genophage.

Who cures the Genophage?

Primarily, you’ll need to side with Wrex, Eve, and Mordin when the chance presents itself during the main story mission “Priority: Tuchanka.” Refuse the Dalatrass’ offer to sabotage the cure when it’s offered, and tell the Krogans and Mordin about it as soon as possible.

How do you cure the krogan Genophage? There is no known cure for the genophage. Some krogan groups have invested in companies such as Binary Helix to try to discover one; however, efforts have so far been thwarted by a lack of krogan scientists and a disinterest of other species in a revived krogan population.

Do you reveal shroud sabotage?

Shroud Sabotage Reveal

The REAL chance to tell them is when you’re in the vehicle convoy on the way to The Shroud itself, and Eve again notices Shepard’s troubled look. If you pick “[Reveal Shroud sabotage]”, Shepard will reveal the sabotage and the Dalatrass’ offer of betrayal.

How do I warn Miranda about Kai Leng? “To keep her alive, Shepard must read the dossier Anderson forwards on Kai Leng, and warn her about him via video conference in the Spectre Office in the Citadel Embassies after receiving a mail message from her.” There’s no dialogue option to warn her.

How do you recruit Tali in Mass Effect 3?

How to Get Tali in Mass Effect 3. There are two steps players must complete in order to get Tali as a squadmate in Mass Effect 3: Tali must survive the suicide mission at the end of Mass Effect 2. Players must make peace between the geth and the quarians, or side with the quarians during “Priority: Rannoch.”

What should I do before me3? Preparing Your Profile for Mass Effect 3

  • Why Importing Your Profile is Important.
  • War Assets. Upgrade the Normandy. Gather Resources. Buy the Prejek Paddlefish.
  • Reset Your Ability Points.
  • Play the DLC. Use the Video Archive on the Shadow Broker Base.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.