
What's the new Diamond level?
What's the new Diamond level?

What’s the new Diamond level?

The Minecraft diamond level is anywhere below layer 16, but the Minecraft 1.18 update modified ore distribution. Previously, diamonds spawned anywhere below layer 16 and were equally likely to appear on each layer.

Is y 12 still the best for diamonds? Following the Cave Update in Minecraft, the best level for mining Diamond Ore is approximately Y:-58 or Y:-59.

Also, What level is diamond in Minecraft 1.18 bedrock? To find Diamond in Minecraft 1.18, you will now have to look below Y-coordinate 16 and all the way down to the bottom of the world at Y-coordinate -64. You will want to focus your search between level -53 and -59, which will have the highest concentration of Diamond available to you.

Thereof, Is Y level 11 or 12 better for diamonds? Diamonds can only spawn anywhere between Y levels of 16 and below. Players will never find diamonds above level 16. They will only be seen at the bottom of caves and ravines. Diamonds are very commonly found on levels 5-12, but they are very abundant on levels 11 and 12.

What y level is iron?

There’s a decent chance of getting iron between levels 72 and -64, but there are extra factors now. Iron ore becomes increasingly more likely to spawn between Y=-24 and Y=56 as you approach Y=16. As a result, for many biomes, iron has the highest odds of spawning at Y=16.

What is Y level in Minecraft? The player can press F3 to see the Y-coordinate of the top face of the block on which they are standing, and the Y-coordinate of their eyes, which are located about 1.6 blocks above their feet. For example, a player standing at sea level will see the Y-coordinate of their eyes as approximately 64.6.

What y level is Netherite? Strip mining is the most basic way of obtaining Netherite, and the best level to find it is at the coordinate Y = 12. Players should leave two blocks in between lanes and then just mine in a straight line, creating a strip.

How do you get y12 in Minecraft? Dig downward to a height of at most 16 blocks.

Diamonds occur between the Y-coordinates 5 and 16, though they occur most often between layers 5 and 12. You can check your Y-coordinates by opening your map (console and PE), or by pressing F3 (PC) or Alt + Fn + F3 (Mac).

What level should you strip mine at?

When strip mining, players can visit Y level -58 or -59. These two levels have the highest spawn chances for diamond ore. They’re frequently found in caves, but these levels are excellent when strip mining.

What y level is coal? It can generally be found in the Overworld in mineral veins of 1 to 17, from y levels 0 to 127 in all biomes.

What y level is lapis?

Lapis Lazuli, an important resource for enchanting items, can be found anywhere below sea level. This means that it can be found between Y level 64 and -64. The ore can be found exposed to air in caves, but it is more commonly found when players mine through the blocks.

What y level is gold? Gold Ore can be found from levels 32-80, so you’ll want to set up a mine between those levels.

Where is y11 in Minecraft?

How do you find y11 in Minecraft?


  1. Find a big lava lake in a cave. During world generation every air block at y=10 and lower gets replaced by lava, so when you stand on the shore of such a lava lake you are at y=11.
  2. Find the highest bedrock layer (at y=3) and count up 8 blocks.

Can you reach the sun in Minecraft?

Do beds explode ancient debris? The bed has an explosion power of 5, so you need to be 6 blocks from it. Otherwise, it will hurt and can potentially kill you. After the explosion, you may find up to 3 Ancient Debris in exposed blocks.

How do you strip mine ancient debris?

TNT blocks are great for mining ancient debris. By placing a lot of it in a straight line and igniting one TNT, players can blow up huge areas to expose all the ancient debris in it. They should leave 3-4 blocks between each TNT block.

Can you mine Netherite with iron pick? Luckily, you won’t need a Diamond Pickaxe to mine it. Just a simple iron or above will do the trick!

How do you get y11 in Minecraft without coordinates?

2 Possibilities:

  1. Find a big lava lake in a cave. During world generation every air block at y=10 and lower gets replaced by lava, so when you stand on the shore of such a lava lake you are at y=11.
  2. Find the highest bedrock layer (at y=3) and count up 8 blocks.

Where is y11? A lot of Minecraft players prefer to dig their mining tunnel down from the Overworld and go down a carefully-mined staircase to reach Y Level 11 or 12. Y-11 is usually considered the most diamond-rich area in Minecraft.

Does TNT destroy Diamond?

No you cannot, you will just blow up your items.

Can Gold Break diamond ore? The diamond ore block itself (rather than its diamond drops) can be obtained by mining it with an iron, diamond, or netherite pickaxe with the Silk Touch enchantment.


Block Diamond Ore Deepslate Diamond Ore
Diamond 0.6 0.85
Netherite 0.5 0.75
Golden 1.25 1.9

Can gold mine Emerald?

Emerald ore can be mined with a pickaxe made from iron or better, otherwise it drops nothing.


Block Emerald Ore Deepslate Emerald Ore
Diamond 0.6 0.85
Netherite 0.5 0.75
Golden 1.25 1.9

What is the rarest ore in Minecraft? Emerald Ore is the rarest ore to date in Minecraft (25 times more so than Diamond Ore, while almost always spawning in only one-block veins). When mined (with an Iron Pickaxe or higher), it drops an Emerald; the only implemented use of Emeralds to date is for trading with Villagers.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.