
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles

Commentary on the Chronicles of the Great Reversal Referee

Commentary on the Chronicles of the Great Reversal Referee


need to know

What is it? An exaggerated courtroom visual novel set in the 19th century
Expect to pay GBP 32 / USD 45
release: July 27, 2021
Developer Capcom
Publisher Capcom
Review date AMD Ryzen 5 3600, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
multiplayer game No
Associate Official website

When Capcom announced that The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles would land on Steam on the first day of its overseas release, the joy of PC players exploded like hearing the word “not guilty” after a long and fierce trial. The original Phoenix Wright: Reversal Referee trilogy (released in the early 2000s) only entered Steam in 2019, so we are used to waiting longer. But not this time. The international versions of “Reverse Referee: Adventures” and “Reverse Referee 2: Decisive Victory” can be used as soon as they are launched, and are cleverly tied together in this dual function.

The Chronicle of the Great Reversal Referee retains most of the melodrama and style of the first few games of the series. If you want backstabs, tragedies, and lawyers to put your hands on the table, point and yell aggressively-there are them all. However, after playing all ten cases in the two games, I never felt that this story reached the dramatic climax of the previous game. The Great Reversal Referee Chronicle has all the drama of a TV series, but the core of the series is its mystery, and in this regard, both games in the bundle are lacking.

The two prequels tell the story of a young Japanese lawyer, Ryūnosuke Naruhodō, who traveled from Meiji Japan to Victorian England to learn about the British legal system-claiming to be one of the greatest judicial systems in the world. Together with his legal assistant Susato Mikotoba, Naruhodō helped protect those in need of legal aid in a series of dramatic court battles.

(Image source: Capcom)

Although the Annunciation Hall is the ancestor of Phoenix Wright in the 19th century, it has no connection with previous games, and London as a background provides a new venue for new players and experienced fans. This is a smart location choice, not just because British comics are easy to pick. Victorian London was a city with many thematic clues. An important part of the story was the way that Ming Baotang had to fight London’s seemingly flawless judicial system and the heinous crimes lurking in the city’s hinterland.

We have seen this in the characters in the previous game-they seem to put truth and justice above everything, but they don’t really believe it-but this is the first time that this has been explored on a social level. Duality. This is the potential tension that has arisen in both games, and each game reveals more about the way London’s ostensibly original treatment laws were dealt with, which is completely new to the series.

Cor Blimey Guv’nor

In this new setting, there are a lot of gorgeous characters. Among them is Susuato, a legal assistant whose in-depth knowledge of the British legal system has helped prevent our lead lawyer from struggling on the defense bench more than I can count. She may speak softly, but she has a secret martial arts move, which she calls Susato Toss, and when she is angry, she will flip the Annunciation Hall from his feet to his back. There is also Barok van Zieks, a fierce prosecutor known as “Old Bailey’s Death”, he is really just a big queen. He drank throughout the court meeting, crushed his gold cup with his fist in a dramatic way, and occasionally smashed his boots on the prosecutor’s table when he was angry.

(Image source: Capcom)

I like that Capcom pushes London’s stereotypes of certain characters to the point of being completely ridiculous. The one who helped you investigate is Tobias Gregson, a Scotland Yard police officer who often eats fish and chips wrapped in newspaper (even if he is called to court) or the cute street urchin Gina, her London accent is too strong , I had to slow down my reading and try to decipher what she was saying. The boxes are full of Victorian London prototypes, and you will see quite a few taxi drivers, vendors, street vendors, gentlemen in top hats, and ladies with corsets. Who can forget the joining of the great detective Herlock Sholmes?

Gone are the days when Sherlock Holmes was a cautious, sullen detective. If Frogware’s youthful and “cool” performance of this famous character is not your cup of tea, then Capcom’s “Herlock Sholmes” will let you smash the cup. In “The Chronicle of Reversal Referees”, Shams is very inclined to the weird side of “weird genius” and helps Ming Report Hall conduct investigations between trials. Not only can you now collect witness statements and evidence in these parts of the game, but you can also help Sholmes make less shrewd reasoning in a new mini-game, which Sholmes excitesly call “logic and reasoning spectacular.” It involves looking around a scene and finding clues that will help correct Herlock’s dramatic inferences so that the detective can get back on the right path.

(Image source: Capcom)

This reasoning game really activates the investigation part, allowing you to move the camera in the 3D space instead of just clicking on a flat image to find clues. It feels like you are spying on an area correctly. But it does deviate from the process of actually gathering evidence for the trial. From the perspective of the story, these scenes are indeed related to the upcoming trial in some way, such as introducing the character who will appear in court to testify, but it is more important than the actual collection of evidence.

I understand that Capcom hopes to change the investigation part through more hands-on deductions. When you have a simulated Sherlock Holmes to lend a helping hand, it also makes sense, but I miss collecting all the evidence-there is hardly that much. Found it. There is a feeling of nostalgia, that is, showing up in court with a bag full of evidence, wanting to know how each object will adapt to a wider range of cases. Although Herlock’s “Logic and Reasoning Spectacular” is very interesting, it eliminates a lot of this feeling and does not leave any sense of accumulation in the trial.

(Image source: Capcom)

Due to the new settings, the court system has also been updated. Trials now have more dimensions than just the testimony of witnesses and the provision of evidence. Instead of persuading the judge, you must now prove to the six-person jury that your client is innocent. The jury has its own ideas and opinions, and you need to cross-examine. This is a system inherited from the split between Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright, breaking the monotony of the mid-term trial and ensuring that you will not experience the same actions we have seen in all other Phoenix Wrights.

If the court is not busy enough with the six new jurors, you must also deal with multiple witnesses who appear in court at the same time, all of whom can respond to each other’s testimony. The attention to a witness is now scattered among three or even four different people. You need to constantly switch between roles. If one person behaves strangely to another person’s testimony, you need to poke them and find The reason.

(Image source: Capcom)

In addition to finding evidence for clues, dealing with prosecutors’ hoaxes, and pressing witnesses to obtain more information, there is much more to be done to win the trial. This system is much more dynamic than the previous entries, and I think it is impossible in the reversal referee game. An example is how a jury can fire a ball of fire to a huge judicial scale to make a verdict-this is your reversal referee.

Trials and tribulations

This is the first time the series has delved into the historical background and explored the relationship between Meiji and Victorian Japan and Britain. The British Empire is portrayed as an image of imperialism and arrogance, and this role has been swelled by the role of the character’s attack on the country’s technological progress and primitive judicial system. As a result, the racial discrimination against Mingfengtang and other Japanese characters is unpleasant.

This is a completely fair depiction of Victorian England in the 19th century. In fact, the game is made by Japanese developers who want to comment on the social, racial and class discrimination of that era, which is a refreshing series for a whole case of a pair of magical polka dot bloomers keynote. But the way the main British actors treated Japanese characters was uncomfortable and produced harsh tonal changes in the scene. British characters sometimes describe Japanese characters as “sneaky” and “dark”, and generally distrust people who don’t have a strong London accent or who don’t put fish and chips in their mouths. This can make things very awkward when you chat with witnesses or even the main characters you should like.

(Image source: Capcom)

These two games have also fallen into many typical mysterious traps. Surprising conclusions and leftist explanations are prominent in a few cases, which makes most of the interesting and dramatic detective work in the story disappear. In some trials, I was confused until the end, but frustrated because some important information was thrown into the courtroom to produce a dramatic effect. It often feels that games prefer a heinous distortion rather than creating a solid, clever plot.

I like the dramatic drama of the Reverse Referee series, choosing to focus on the conflict between London’s orderly reputation and the harsh reality of the city, full of secrets and criminals under its floor, a welcome addition to the series.

But I really play these games for mystery. There are some cases in the previous games that made me feel fully involved. Make sure that all the clues are carefully analyzed and all the parts are put together to get the final and satisfying enlightenment. I did not get these revelations in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. With all the twists and turns of the new system and scandal, I think it has lost that important feeling. There is still a lot to do, and the game’s demos are gorgeous, but in all dramatic situations, figuring out the core mystery of “whodunnit” may be a bit lost.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.