
Hero Sam 4 review

Hero Sam 4 review

Hero Sam 4 review

need to know

What is it? A shooter that pits you against hordes of alien monsters.
expect to pay $40
developer Crotem
Publisher Devolver numbers
audit date Windows 10, Intel Core i5-9600K, 16GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 2070 Super
multiplayer game? 4 people online co-op
go out: now
Association: Official website

If you told me Hero Sam 4 was taken from a time capsule that was buried 10 years ago, I might believe you. This is not a throwback like Amid Evil. It doesn’t turn the technological limitations of the past into a new style. It’s 100% real jank: battle music ends abruptly when the last enemy is killed, cutscenes start abruptly after the boss dies, clothes and mud and rock textures go in and out, stiff and weightless animations, and level events occasionally trigger Fail, or won’t trigger until you hunt down the last enemy trapped in the wall.

At least this jank is likable (for the most part), and Hero Sam 4 is fun – like other Hero Sam games, it’s still about murdering tons of aliens with huge guns, while ending with The figure skater’s speed moves backwards. When you shoot at cyclops, kamikazes, vampires and insectoids, you are always on the edge of being overtaken, grab the edge of control, leave enough space between you and them for your bullets move. That tension pretty much underpins Hero Sam 4’s 10-hour or so campaign, which can be played solo or online co-op.

Hero Sam 4 gives you some Braveheart moments.

Shooting hundreds of beasts with bullets is as satisfying as power-cleaning a house, but I also love the occasional clever shot with the overpowering Destroyer, and the flashy moves I do for it. In one of my favorite scenes, I sprinted through the French countryside wielding a double-barreled shotgun to a bull charging at me. I wait until I can see the glow of its demonic eyes, then shoot both guns at its forehead and reload at the same time (how?) while avoiding its tumbling corpse – just for style points, as it will wear pass me. It’s rarely a good idea to face enemies head on in the open in a shooter, but Hero Sam 4 gives you some Braveheart moments.

A small but notable change makes this scene possible: in Heroic Sam 3 (which is Actually 10), you have to stop sprinting before shooting, and there is a short animation where Sam re-arms his weapon. In Heroic Sam 4, you can cancel the sprint animation by shooting, then shoot immediately. This change makes things better. It’s fun to sprint behind enemies with frontal shields and slam a few shotgun shots in their backs.

Hero Sam 4 is also different from Hero Sam 3 in other ways. Aliens are more colorful and unique — more like Killing Floor’s Zeds — and the terrifying suppressive blur that was so popular at the time is gone. The enemy health bar and headshot indicator allow me to optimize my gunshots the way I like, but they can be turned off if you hate them. I also don’t get stuck in the environment like in Hero Sam 3. It’s like Sam is a giant block of butter. He almost slipped past the car.

(Image credit: Croteam)

Hero Sam 4 is at its best with the introduction of the new weapon as it fills the arena with ammo and then throws tons of enemies at you so you can go crazy. The cannon would somehow fire a rolling cannonball bigger than Sam himself and turn everything in its path into goo and of course I was happy when the game introduced it and said, ‘Hey, don’t worry about ammo savings , just run around this maze for 10 minutes.

At worst, it becomes too methodical, but the difficulty is engineered. Normal keeps me alert and Easy keeps me relaxed without being a piece of cake. The fun of shooting on swarms of flying drones is overrated (and the guys who spawn in far-flung perches and shoot homing projectiles), some parts are tiring, but for the most part I just Nervous enough, not depressed.

While looking almost as old, Hero Sam 4 incorporates modern ideas to make it better than Hero Sam 3. Still, as much as I enjoy high framerates, I’m disappointed that the computing power available in 2020 isn’t fully utilized, even serving more crap. For example, enemies don’t play ragdolls playfully. They repeat the same death animation every time, thousands of times. The biggest technical achievement here is that more enemies can be on screen at once, which leads to some impressive scenes, but as soon as the scene fades, my reaction is, “Ah, great, another wave of those skeletal bastards. .” You can only focus on removing so many beasts at once.

Meanwhile, the hunt for the Holy Grail (actually an alien artifact) with a Russian priest is lovely, but won’t make Sam Stone a star. The plastic action-figure character models let down attempts at pathos and romance, and most of the gimmicks are generic.

fighting joke

Hero Sam 4’s joke is that Sam and the crew are making a witty one-line game after killing the big alien (boss fights are easy, not the point), but the idea of ​​an action hero making a one-line game feels like a better game than an action hero Saying one-liners is more of a cliché — action heroes don’t actually do that anymore. Like Duke Nukem, Sam Stone doesn’t satirize anything contemporary (for that, may I suggest trying a brooding dad?), though he’s more fun than Duke – less manly, more sober.

Heroic Sam 4 is just campaign – no survival mode, I wish there was – but you can play the whole thing in four-player online co-op with customizable rules (and unlimited ammo if you want). I tried it and it worked fine, although I barely noticed my partner. This isn’t a true team-play game, and there’s no resurrection system: if players die, they’re respawned. (Not that anyone has time to stop and save a teammate who has a hundred aliens trying to blow them up.)

(Image credit: Croteam)

There are no modding tools yet, but Croteam says they’re coming soon, and there’s a place in the menu for the Steam Workshop pack. Good to see, even if I can’t judge yet what.

Heroic Sam 4 is fun, and some of the ridiculously big fights should make friends laugh together in co-op as they struggle to laser-wash alien lines. However, it’s pretty unwieldy, and the increased scale isn’t as magical as I’d like it to be. The new Doom game evokes the classic spirit of contemporary geniuses, and this is just a more serious Sam. However, there is a part where you can run over aliens with a combine, so I recommend it.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.