
A Wordle guess of rated. The T is yellow.

Wordle Reviews

need to know

What is it? The highest quality anagrams.
expect to pay there is nothing!
release date come out now
developer Josh Wardle
Publisher The New York Times, finally
audit date Google Chrome
multiplayer game? I don’t know how to answer this question.
association Official website

Wordle’s adoration grows day by day. Gaming entered our lives under cover of darkness, slowly polluting my Twitter timeline since late 2021, promising little more than a puzzle that could be solved in 30 seconds or 15 minutes. You have six guesses to identify a five-letter word, and each input Algorithmic Quiz Master reveals which letters are in the correct space, which letters appear in the word but don’t line up correctly, and which letters are not in the solution at all. (For example, today I went from TRACE to RIPEN and landed on PERKY.) It’s the kind of premise you’d expect to find on the back of a tedious in-flight magazine, set aside alongside a half-finished Sudoku grid, solved with a ballpoint pen on the In the clouds over Missouri. However, Wordle is an absolute phenomenon. I’ve been playing religiously for a month now and have no interest in slowing down.Here are the early favorite games of the year, neck and neck Eldon Ring.

It’s hard to say whether Wordle’s incredible success has more to do with its metacultural community than its gaming principles. I mean, essentially, it’s a big puzzle. The story goes that Wordle’s creator, a former Reddit software engineer named Josh Wardle, dreamed of designing as a private ritual shared between him and his wordplay-loving wife. Long before Wordle infiltrated the internet, the two would go back and forth, unraveling mysteries in their reclusive marital bliss. But it’s also true that Wordle wasn’t an original idea either. The game show LINGO basically operated with the same gimmicks in the mid-2000s, and if you’re a veteran of slack extracurricular shows, you’ve probably experienced some mind-numbing Mastermind rounds while waiting for your dad to pick you up. (Mastermind replaces the different colored nails with letters, but the overall strategy is the same.)

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

In this sense, the rise of Wordle is pure chaos theory. No one could have anticipated the zeitgeist. It’s just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. A viral trend is always elusive, and sometimes it can elevate moldy old passwords to the top of trending pages.

But I don’t think Wordle’s lack of creativity really matters. Oddly enough, Wordle’s core appeal is that it dramatically improves the social atmosphere.Sitting in front of my Wordle feels like being stabbed by a valium dart because frankly it’s hard to unravel any Cultural artifacts from the global catastrophe of the past two years. Last December, I started playing Wordle in the middle of the Omicron wave. Just when all our silly, post-pandemic euphoria was dampened by the almighty variant. We’re all back on the first side, and I suspect I’m the only one who remembers that time as the final low point of our bleak, eternal, recurring Covid journey. Like so many other phases of the pandemic, (yeast starter, last dance, guilt-free drinking for a day), Wordle encapsulates a light, blissful sense of calm at a time when we’re all craving it. Josh Wardle has prominently added sharing at the end of each solution, meaning social media feeds are dotted with green, yellow, and gray boxes—almost like a way to compare notes with fellow Wordleheads. Some mocked the feature, comparing it to the darkest days of Farmville on Facebook. But personally? I love the opportunity to avoid discussions around deadly diseases or the death of democracy and simply discuss everyday language with other strangers.

I can’t think of many other innocent video games. Animal Crossing may qualify, but it’s also a franchise saddled with an insanely frustrating free-to-play mobile version that’s chock-full of unlimited nickel and microtransactions. Maybe Stardew Valley does the math? But the game also has a more vibrant NSFW community on Reddit. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you.) Wordle, on the other hand, is a completely outdated product. There is only one puzzle per day, a philosophy that stops players from falling down the rabbit hole of fidgety procrastination. Ideally, this mentality will persist now that the game has been acquired by The New York Times. Reports so far say Wordle will be free for everyone, so keep your fingers crossed. Don’t stir up the atmosphere, Ms. Grey.

The rise of Wordle is pure chaos theory. No one could have anticipated the zeitgeist.

Because in an atmosphere where every fun good thing is immediately looted for profit — as Blizzard desperately finds a way to charge players for Hearthstone mercenaries that simply can’t be monetized — Wordle must continue to be a rarity positive energy font. It’s a concept so alien to our discreet emotions that when it’s in the palm of our hands, it’s pretty magical.

I tend to settle for daily Wordle at midnight, right when a new grid is uploaded, or early in the morning when my girlfriend and I aren’t quite ready to start our day. I would tell her how many times I guessed and she would try to beat my score during our lunch break. The guesswork, monograms, and tricky answers at the start of our debates—the lighthearted Wordle Meta that surfaced after a frenzy—but neither of us tweeted our scores regularly anymore. Instead, gaming has become another part of our daily lives, akin to her decaf or my wine cellar. Wordle wants a little of our time, and then it lets us get on with our days. All I’m looking for in the 2022 mud is a solid bright spot.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.