
Apex Legends developer confirms leaked Newcastle ability

Apex Legends developer confirms leaked Newcastle ability

A new Apex Legends film gives us a good look at Newcastle’s capabilities, but if you’ve been following the latest leaks, well…well, at least please act surprised. The trailer for the new season, Salvator Mundi, also immediately quelled a lore speculation: Newcastle is indeed Bengaluru’s brother Jackson.

Newcastle’s abilities were leaked in a video posted to Reddit a month ago. His tactics have him throwing a mobile drone equipped with an energy shield. His passive allows him to shoot down teammates while protecting them with a personal shield. His ultimate allows him to leap into the air and slam into target locations on the ground, creating a large block of cover at the landing site.

If you’re in any doubt as to whether the leak is accurate, Newcastle is using all of these features in a new trailer for the movie. The trailer also shows the crew taking down a giant crustacean that looks a lot like Godzilla’s nemesis Ebirah – the official website states that the “shot down beast” will be at Storm Point soon. You can also look forward to a redesigned ranking system as part of the new season.

Check out the new trailer below.

A bigger reveal from Newcastle and the Salvation team is expected on April 28. The release date for Apex Legends Season 13 will likely land on May 10. Also to see more battle royale games, you can follow this link.

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Kirsten Bennett
Kirsten is a passionate writer who loves games, and one day he decided to combine the two. She is now professionally writing niche articles about Consoles and hardware .