
Assassin's Creed Valhalla update adds new difficulty mode and tweaks stealth

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla update adds new difficulty mode and tweaks stealth

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla update adds new difficulty mode and tweaks stealth

Assassin Creed Valhalla’s Eivor will reprise his role as Odin in next month’s Dawn of Ragnarok, but before that happens, Ubisoft will release a patch that includes bug fixes, improvements, and even a new difficulty mode.

At the top of the list, we’ve made some tweaks to incognito. These are mostly fixes, such as NPCs dropping out of combat too quickly or detecting Eivor when using environmental traps, but the AI’s reaction to its whistle has also been improved.

  • Improved AI response to whistles.
  • Players will be spotted by enemies when using environmental traps.
  • Wildlife can detect Eivor regardless of distance/angle and alert nearby NPCs.
  • NPCs disengage from conflict very quickly.
  • Enemy detection cones are reduced when using bows.
  • Monks have difficulty leaving the Music Crowd Station in the mission Taken (Kidnap Estrid).

This update also introduces a new, easier difficulty mode: Legends. This makes enemies deal less damage, and they don’t scale with Eivor. You have more time to carry out covert operations before your enemies realize they have been murdered by a large Viking.

Valhalla already has a bunch of settings that go beyond pre-existing difficulty modes to let you sidestep some of the challenges, and it’s definitely one of the more accessible big games around. So it’s good to see the team isn’t resting on their laurels and continues to let players decide how they experience the game. The settings have also been enhanced, and new things need to be tweaked.

  • Eivor’s injury
  • Eivor damage output
  • ration cure rate
  • Adrenaline regeneration
  • Enemy health modifier

On top of that, there’s a long list of bugs and other issues resolved, including “lots of” UI/HUD issues, visual quirks, Eivor stuck, and mastery challenge progress interruptions.

Title Update 1.5.0 will arrive today at 12pm GMT/7am EST/5am PST and will take up 15.09 GB on PC.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.