
A Tohu screenshot.

East Lake Review

East Lake Review

need to know

What is it? A point-and-click adventure game with fish back as the background.
Estimated payment: USD 15 / GBP 12 on Steam
Developer: Firearm games
Publisher: Informal company
Comment time: Windows 10, GeForce GTX 1070, Intel Core i7-9700 CPU, 16GB RAM
multiplayer game: not any
Association: Official website

Tohu respects a very special line of adventure games. No, we are not talking about the golden age of SCUMM-in the mid-90s, companies like LucasArts made indelible, Disney-like journeys in the emerald deserted islands and haunted mansions. Tohu does not provide lyrical Schaferish dialogue, intricate narratives, or 30 hours of game time. On the contrary, it is reminiscent of the short-lived point-and-click revival of the early 2010s, when all of a sudden independent developers started making great budget mind burners like Machinarium and Professor Layton, as if they were never out of date.

You play an unnamed heroine, known as a girl, who has the ability to transform into a giant robot at any time, and you live a peaceful life on the back of a giant fish floating in the universe. (You read that right.) A few minutes after entering the game, you are told that MacGuffin, which kept our house fish alive, is in danger. You will spend the rest of your time in Tohu and venture out to get gadgets in the environment of other interstellar fish Will save your humble steampunk community. All the time, you have been followed by a figure wearing a black hood, who is ambiguously trying to sabotage your plan. This is almost all the plot that Tohu is willing to provide!

(Image source: Fireart Games/The Irregular Corporation)

Whenever this girl lands on a new fish, I will spend five minutes to absorb the tender love and care in each background.

There is no audio dialogue in the game, only a distant narrator fills the gap with the English of the story book king. Some of the larger questions about this universe—especially why we all live on a fish—are hilariously unanswered. The game does not even explain why this girl has a robot with another self; you are just asked to transform into his role in order to lift heavy objects that might be in the way. On the contrary, Tohu focuses all his creativity on its puzzles-this is good news for a very unique adventure game player, who always value the cryptography in “Broken Sword” instead of George and Ni Ke’s romantic dilemma.

Honestly? This is totally fine for me.It is refreshing to eliminate all auxiliary irrelevant dialogue trees found in other adventure games Talk about business Rube Goldberg’s installation is in front of me. Tohu didn’t really lose any focus either. In fact, one of the best attributes of the game is how it integrates with the characters despite the lack of world building.

Whenever this girl lands on a new fish, I will spend five minutes to absorb the tender love and care in each background. Art directors are hard to compare, but the closest simulation I can find is the whimsical gothic decoration of “Don’t Starve”. I walked through the cold fjords, the Bacchus in the moonlight, and the greasy workshops, all of which are precisely twisted and cute.

The lost souls you encounter on this fish don’t say much, but their precise contours provide them with more than the roadside NPCs you encounter in games that benefit from more company resources. Inner feeling. Who can forget that greasy pawnbroker with eight mechanical tentacles, each of which is busy with its own task of plundering money? (Operate an abacus and raise a martini.) We don’t live in a severe shortage of beauty and independence, but Tohu still has a unique appeal, at least for me, it evokes some amazing moments.

(Image source: Fireart Games/The Irregular Corporation)

Tohu also has one of my favorite hint systems implemented in video games.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if the puzzle is not good, and I’m happy to report that Tohu has achieved the ideal balance in the adventure game Gestalt. Nothing here is easy for training wheels-this is not a kid’s game-but nothing is overwhelming, overwhelmingly difficult. In a point-and-click experience, my least favorite feeling is that when I have exhausted all the options in my inventory, I am forced to go back to the entire map, looking for any gadgets I forgot to pick up. Fortunately, you won’t find any old-fashioned, King’s Quest-style unwinnable status here. On the contrary, most of Tohu’s levels are kept at two to three screens per block; the answer is always at your fingertips. Although I am definitely the kind of person who will consult the guide after struggling for a few minutes in a stalemate, I am very happy how many times Tohu has given me confidence in my reasoning skills.

In fact, a lot of brain teasers in the game are through straightforward, paper-and-pencil logic questions—what you see in Professor Layton. The first thing you need to do in Tohu is to solve the Pipe Mania grid. If you are looking for a larger, more thematic issue raised by Zork or Full Throttle, this may be closed. But personally, I find this to be a welcome break. “Oh, thank God, this game didn’t let me stick cat hair on my face.”

(Image source: Fireart Games/The Irregular Corporation)

Tohu also has one of my favorite hint systems implemented in video games. If you bring up the menu, you always have the opportunity to access some pictographs to show the general idea of ​​the solution you are looking for.But they can only be unlocked when playing quick timing games, namely Annoying enough Encourage you to find out by yourself. Being a liar has never been punished like it is now. When they finally find a new Tex Murphy installment, they should find all the clues behind the crossword.

Eventually, the girl and the robot will return to her home planet and resolve the ambiguous crisis destined for us all here. Some mild plot points will be resolved, and Tohu will gradually disappear into the distance, leaving only a good memory. Tohu is not so new, creative or adventurous that it will re-adjust your views on the genre, but it has charm, This is not a trivial matter.

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Bart Thompson
Bart is's List Writer . He is from Houston, Texas, and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in creative writing, majoring in non-fiction writing. He likes to play The Elder Scrolls Online and learn everything about The Elder Scrolls series.